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Why it works

These are the test results when the humidity levels where the water wicker was not present both the temperature and the humidity rise rapidly. According to research, a humidity level of only 20% can have effects on sleep.  Without the water wicker in just a fifteen minute period we see the levels go up to 36.9% with no indication that it was going to stop rising. 

These are the test results of the humidity and temperature levels when the water wicker was present. The product was introduced at 7:53 at this point the temperature went up but the humidity remained almost content throughout the fifteen minutes of testing. Reaching no higher then 8.6%  humidity. This is a level that is acceptable and it also shows how drastic the effect of the water wicker is on humidity in the environment.


These tests show that the humidity levels when using the Water Wicker where drastically lower providing more comfort for the user. This testing shows that the Water Wicker is a more effective and cheaper alternative to the traditional dehumidifiers that often do not take more then 60% humidity out of the air.  In comparison the water wicker reduces the humidity level to about 8%. 


The reduction of humidity also opens the doors for better health since many bacteria that are harmful to people thrive in a humidity rich environment the Water Wicker removes the humidity therefore preventing the bacteria from growing leading to a healthier life style.


The Water Wicker also should last several uses before having to be recharged. The recharging process can be done with a micro wave, oven or through indirect heat from a fire as long as the temperature exceeds 350 degrees Fahrenheit.   


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